Maybe dramas really do come true, because Kyle is having a "daughter"! Congratulations to Kyle and Jeanette! Read more details on his blog.
Taking steps together toward the greatest storyteller of all time and using our art to bring him glory . . . "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:23
To bring the kids or not to bring the kids . . . that is the question. I've gotten a few requests that we continue the tradition of leaving the kiddos at home again this year. Some parents made a great point that they enjoy the break and adult time, so I think we'll go with the majority on this one. At least we still have a week to get a babysitter! Let me know if this is a problem for any of you, and we could look at maybe some of the older kids watching younger ones in a separate room. Quick reminder of the date and time: 6:30pm-8:30pm. Next Monday Dec. 17th in the Heir Force room. Shelley's working on getting us the Great room instead. (We'll let you know.) We have some fun "entertainment" provided that you won't want to miss!
Remember to RSVP in the comments below (let us know if your spouse if coming as well) and bring your favorite dish to share. For those of us OCD ladies who like to plan the dishes according to what others bring so we have a "balanced" potluck meal, please post the type of dish you think you might bring as well. See you in a week!