Michiana Monolgues is holding auditions this week. I'm going to the 9-11am audition this saturday. Anyone want to join me? Here's the info.
"Good Evening!
Here is the information to audition for the 1st Annual Michiana Monologues!
Audition Times:
Thursday, Jan. 17, 6-8 pm, 1165 Wiekamp Hall, IUSB
Friday, Jan. 18, 1-3 pm, 3rd Floor Faculty Lounge, Wiekamp Hall, IUSB
Saturday, Jan 19, 9-11 am, 3rd Floor Faculty Lounge, Wiekamp Hall, IUSB
No experience necessary, no memorization necessary. Come prepared to read a Monologue from this year's original script. You only need to attend one of the audition times.
Actresses selected for roles will be contacted during the afternoon on Saturday January 19th, and will be expected to be at practice beginning Sunday January 20th at 6pm.
Practice Schedule:
There will be 6 practice sessions before the performances on February 22nd and 23rd.
1. Sunday January 20th, 6pm-8pm
2. Sunday January 27th, 6pm-8pm
3. Sunday February 3rd, 6pm-8pm
4. Sunday February 10th, 6pm-8pm
5. Sunday February 17th, 6pm-8pm
6. Dress Rehearsal, Thursday February 21st, 6pm-8pm
Performance: Friday February 22nd, 6pm-9pm
Performance: Saturday February 23rd, 6pm-9pm
Because of the limited time for practice before the production, please check your calendar and confirm that you will be able to attend all practices and performances before auditioning.
Visit www.michianamonologues.org/auditions.html for the list of monologues. Select a couple monologues that are of interest to you, and print out one to perform at the audition!
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Take care,
Danica Duensing"