Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
What an amazing day we had yesterday! Enjoy rest and time with family today! Sending the Bakers love and Happy Birthday Jesus Greetings to all of you!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Here we go!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas Toy Story
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas Past
Christmas Carol Intro Week 1 from dustin maust on Vimeo.
When were first talking about doing Dicken's tale, I had a few concerns. Disney would be coming out with their own amazing version in 3D, setting the bar high. And this story has been done is so many ways, how do we make it unique and with a laser focus of bringing people close to Jesus? Will we have enough people? Will the right cast be willing to give up their time during this crazy busy season to be a part of such a big commitment? So I turned to prayer, and once again, God has blessed us beyond what I could fathom.
Scrooge may have been visited by three spirits in one night, but there's one Holy Spirit that is with us all the time. And no matter how fast or slow the clock seems to spin, we find comfort in His help, rest in the Father's plan, and celebration of the Son's birthday. Great job to all who are in the cast! Can't wait to see more of the blessings he has in store for us and those we seek to point to Him. Oh, and ours is in 3D too, with REAL characters who are animated, but not digitally....: )
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas is coming!
A Christmas Carol from Granger Community on Vimeo.
Our team will be tackling a full scale production of A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve! The buzz is already starting!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Heir Force Still Rockin'
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Half Full

What a great picture of who Butch truly is. A leader who knows the way, challenges us all to take the next step, and yet is not afraid to grab our hand in those times in the sand where our balance gets shaky. If you didn't already receive this letter (below) from Butch, just wanted to post it here for you. I'm grieving along with you at the loss of a great leader in a great position. I have had countless bosses in the past, many of whom showed me exactly what NOT to do as a leader. With Butch, I actually got a clear picture of a Godly leader who loves and leads well for the first time, first hand. I also discovered the true meaning of that tired old cliche of a "brother in Christ". I'd always struggle with that because my own older brother was like having a live-in bully in my house. But once again, Butch came along and showed me an incredibly clear picture of what God meant for an older brother to be and how much of a blessing that role can be. He has challenged me to be a better follower of Jesus, a more devoted wife and mother, and a focused artist and leader in my ministry, and he has done it with a phenomenal level of wisdom, care, and as you all know Butch, lots of laughter. But one of the countless lessons I've learned from Butch is about faith in the possibilities of change and challenge. Not an empty, shallow optimism, but true faith that God has something better in mind. He looks at the glass half full with the eyes of a faithful follower of Christ and yet a realist and strategist who can dream and execute a vision that pushes us all to strive for a cup that's brimming over. What a gift he is to our church, our teams, and us personally. The great news is he is still planning on participating on the drama team as a volunteer and being fully committed to our church, but as he mentioned has decided to seek getting his paycheck somewhere else. What an incredible example of listening for God's prompting and following through on what He's asking of us. I can't wait to see his impact in the marketplace. What a high impact player some blessed company is about to receive!
A Letter from Butch:
"Dear Arts Team Friends –
I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a personal adventure I’ll be taking in the near future. A little background: Five years ago, I felt God’s call to move into paid ministry at GCC. So, I left my career to come to GCC. Next to marrying Chris, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have not for a moment doubted my calling, nor regretted my decision to follow that call. However, over the past several months, I have had this sense of completion - a sense that I have helped take our teams to the place God has asked of me, but that there are higher, better places God has in store for our team. I have also sensed that God wants someone else to help lead us there.
After several weeks of processing this with Tim Stevens and Mark Beeson, I have decided to step down from my paid ministry position at GCC, return to the marketplace, remain at GCC as a volunteer minister and a future member of the Administrative Council (Church Board of Directors.) I love our church, it’s mission, and it’s values. I trust and respect the leadership of our Senior Management Team. I cannot think of a better place in which to serve and worship.
My experience as pastor of creative arts has been amazing and has helped move me closer to God. I am grateful for having been given this opportunity. I am grateful for having been able to serve with each of you - it’s meant more to me than you could ever know. Over the next few weeks, Tim and the SMT will be working on my transition plan. My goal is to leave and lead well through this change and help position our team and our church for an amazing future.
It’s been a true pleasure to have been your pastor these few years. Thank you for continually sacrificing and serving Jesus with your gifts in our church. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Your Friend in Christ,
Butch Whitmire
Pastor of Creative Arts
Granger Community Church
Butch's Blog "
I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a personal adventure I’ll be taking in the near future. A little background: Five years ago, I felt God’s call to move into paid ministry at GCC. So, I left my career to come to GCC. Next to marrying Chris, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have not for a moment doubted my calling, nor regretted my decision to follow that call. However, over the past several months, I have had this sense of completion - a sense that I have helped take our teams to the place God has asked of me, but that there are higher, better places God has in store for our team. I have also sensed that God wants someone else to help lead us there.
After several weeks of processing this with Tim Stevens and Mark Beeson, I have decided to step down from my paid ministry position at GCC, return to the marketplace, remain at GCC as a volunteer minister and a future member of the Administrative Council (Church Board of Directors.) I love our church, it’s mission, and it’s values. I trust and respect the leadership of our Senior Management Team. I cannot think of a better place in which to serve and worship.
My experience as pastor of creative arts has been amazing and has helped move me closer to God. I am grateful for having been given this opportunity. I am grateful for having been able to serve with each of you - it’s meant more to me than you could ever know. Over the next few weeks, Tim and the SMT will be working on my transition plan. My goal is to leave and lead well through this change and help position our team and our church for an amazing future.
It’s been a true pleasure to have been your pastor these few years. Thank you for continually sacrificing and serving Jesus with your gifts in our church. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Your Friend in Christ,
Butch Whitmire
Pastor of Creative Arts
Granger Community Church
Butch's Blog "
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Things are "Looking Up" for the Drama Team!

Join me in applauding Diane and Shannon (and Butch via voice over) for an excellent performance this weekend in the drama titled "Looking Up" that kicked off our new "distant" series. This was Diane and Shannon's first time serving on the main platform on a weekend. Leslie K was also entertaining the little ones by storytelling downstairs. It was an awesome weekend. Great job, ladies (and Butch)!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
We're Taking Over!
We had three kids dramas going on at once this weekend! Hannah was storytelling in the Garden Patch and Under the Sea rooms, Brad, Scott, Luke and Larry (who also directed) were doing a hilarious drama about Joseph and his brothers in the Penguin Room, and Sam, Josh, and Sierra directed by Dalene were doing an awesome "out of the box" drama for the Jungle and Heir Force rooms. The drama team was literally ministering to every kid but the babies! Way to go, team!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Go Team!
Between an awesome drama from Fletch directed by Dalene, Amy's wedding where I got to hang with Kelly a bit before she heads south for six months, and night on the town watching Sophie and Lauren have a blast together, what a great night for great teams! Feelin' so blessed with this busy day.: )
Being yourself onstage is the most intimidating things for most people, let alone actors. I'm in awe at Fletch's courage to be so open with so many people. A great risk after all he's been through and a breathtaking sign of how God is moving in his life! Dalene did an amazing job directing. She's so gifted at refining performance and encouraging people all at once. Shoot them an e-mail or facebook message when you get a chance to let him know you're proud of them, too! GO, TEAM!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Baptism Celebration!
Join me in celebrating a great day today with Shannon and Jake who were baptized together at the Elkhart site, Dalene who's daughter Grace and nephew Dan were baptized, Mark and Kem Meyer whose daughter Emmie was baptized, our awesome sax player Anna who was baptized with her husband (who committed his life to Jesus just last week!), and one of our talented writers Michelle Wegner whose daughter Whitney was baptized (by her dad-- such a sweet moment!) and to top it all off, the day ended in a wonderful proposal and a new start for the Shivers family. What a great day!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Congrats, Dave and Deb!

Join me in celebrating with Dave and Deb on their baptism tonight! Jen's daughter Addison was also baptized, and I found myself crying wacthing her try to hold her camera steady as she cried watching her oldest child commit her life publicly to Jesus. Tomorrow morning, I'm heading over to Elkhart hoping to catch Jake and Shannon's baptism. What a glorious weekend!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Space Between
Join me in applauding Ted, Jen, Luke and Sierra on their outstanding performances this weekend, playing their small part in a big weekend with hundreds coming to Christ! Way to go, team!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Jump in 1st Wednesday!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monthly Meeting Dates 09-10
Hey guys,
Below are the monthly meeting dates for this year. There are some odd dates due to our Innovate conference in Sept. and the holidays, so please mark your calendars to avoid confusion. All meetings will be 6-7pm for kids (every other month only) and 7-8:30pm for adults. Thanks!
Please note: Due to some spacing issues, all meetings will be held in the PENGUIN ROOOM for this year except the Christmas Party which will be in the Great room. Thanks, guys!
Meetings Dates for 09-10:
Thursday Oct. 1st (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Oct. 29th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Nov. 19th (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Dec. 10th -CHRISTMAS PARTY!
(Everyone and their families are invited for the Christmas Party in the Great Room 6-8pm)
Thursday Jan. 28th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Feb. 25th (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday March 25th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday April 22nd (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday May 27th (7-8:30pm adults)
It’s going to be a great year! See you all on Oct. 1st!
Below are the monthly meeting dates for this year. There are some odd dates due to our Innovate conference in Sept. and the holidays, so please mark your calendars to avoid confusion. All meetings will be 6-7pm for kids (every other month only) and 7-8:30pm for adults. Thanks!
Please note: Due to some spacing issues, all meetings will be held in the PENGUIN ROOOM for this year except the Christmas Party which will be in the Great room. Thanks, guys!
Meetings Dates for 09-10:
Thursday Oct. 1st (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Oct. 29th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Nov. 19th (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Dec. 10th -CHRISTMAS PARTY!
(Everyone and their families are invited for the Christmas Party in the Great Room 6-8pm)
Thursday Jan. 28th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday Feb. 25th (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday March 25th (7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday April 22nd (6-7pm kids, 7-8:30pm adults)
Thursday May 27th (7-8:30pm adults)
It’s going to be a great year! See you all on Oct. 1st!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Awesome Night!
Thanks to all who came to the picnic tonight. What a blast! For those that couldn't make it, we missed you. Looking forward to all the cool opportunities coming up! See you soon!
Here are some more great pics from Kim Volheim!
What a Year!
A Stroll down memory lane for the 08-09 season of the GCC Drama Team! Just click the link below!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Party Postponed to Sunday 4-8pm
Hey guys,
Looks like the forecast includes Thunderstorms all day, so we’re going to postpone the picnic fall kick off party to Sunday from 4-8pm. ( I made it earlier since it’ll be a school night for kiddos.) Hopefully some of you that couldn’t make it might be able to come now! Please RSVP once more in this thread or via e-mail to and let me know who all can make it. I will also be calling everyone to make sure you got the message. Once again here’s the 411:
New time-Sunday August 30th 4-9pm
Drama Team Fall Kick Off Party (reflecting on this past year and looking forward to what’s ahead)
The Baker’s Back yard (10177 Vistula Rd, Osceola, IN 46561, Kristin’s cell-574-220-2251)
What to bring?
-a side dish or dessert to share(we’ll provide burgers, brats and hot dogs and beverages)
-lawn chairs for your fam to sit on-bathing suits for the kids(if it’s hot we could possibly do some boat rides or splashing/swimming in the river)
-fishing poles for the dads(if you’re interested in fishing off the dock or shore for some bluegill or smallmouth and occasional catfish)
-your favorite memory from last year or some props for a fellow teammate from something he or she did this past year(for ideas, scroll back over all the amazing things we’ve accomplished this past year from this August to last below, you can view previous months by clicking on the dates on the sides or clicking on “older posts” when you reach the bottom)
Looks like the forecast includes Thunderstorms all day, so we’re going to postpone the picnic fall kick off party to Sunday from 4-8pm. ( I made it earlier since it’ll be a school night for kiddos.) Hopefully some of you that couldn’t make it might be able to come now! Please RSVP once more in this thread or via e-mail to and let me know who all can make it. I will also be calling everyone to make sure you got the message. Once again here’s the 411:
New time-Sunday August 30th 4-9pm
Drama Team Fall Kick Off Party (reflecting on this past year and looking forward to what’s ahead)
The Baker’s Back yard (10177 Vistula Rd, Osceola, IN 46561, Kristin’s cell-574-220-2251)
What to bring?
-a side dish or dessert to share(we’ll provide burgers, brats and hot dogs and beverages)
-lawn chairs for your fam to sit on-bathing suits for the kids(if it’s hot we could possibly do some boat rides or splashing/swimming in the river)
-fishing poles for the dads(if you’re interested in fishing off the dock or shore for some bluegill or smallmouth and occasional catfish)
-your favorite memory from last year or some props for a fellow teammate from something he or she did this past year(for ideas, scroll back over all the amazing things we’ve accomplished this past year from this August to last below, you can view previous months by clicking on the dates on the sides or clicking on “older posts” when you reach the bottom)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fall Kick off Party a Week from Today!
Look how much fun we had last year! Let's do this again next Friday!
Hey guys,
Just a reminder of our fall kick off party at my house next Friday August 28th from 6-10pm. Please RSVP here and let me know how many from your family are coming.
Here are the details:
Drama Team Fall Kick Off Party (reflecting on this past year and looking forward to what’s ahead)
The Baker’s Back yard (10177 Vistula Rd, Osceola, IN 46561, Kristin’s cell-574-220-2251)
What to bring?
-a side dish or dessert to share
(we’ll provide burgers, brats and hot dogs and beverages)-lawn chairs for your fam to sit on
-bathing suits for the kids
(if it’s hot we could possibly do some boat rides or splashing/swimming in the river)
-fishing poles for the dads
(if you’re interested in fishing off the dock or shore for some bluegill or smallmouth and occasional catfish)
-your favorite memory from last year or some props for a fellow teammate from something he or she did this past year
(for ideas, scroll back over all the amazing things we’ve accomplished this past year from this August to last below, you can view previous months by clicking on the dates on the sides or clicking on "older posts" when you reach the bottom)
Please rsvp in this thread, on basecamp, or e-mail me directly at Thanks! Hope to see you all there!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Join me in applauding Kelly Geisel on her outstanding performance as the jaded Princess Mara in this weekend's drama "Disenchanted"! Our pal Leslie Miller, the makeup genius, came through once again to beautify our Beauty. I don't know about you, but I'm so proud of how they represented the team this weekend. Beauty, talent, comedy and truth that points us closer to Jesus--a winning combination!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Drama Train is Comin'!

All Aboard!
Here are some fun team things coming up in our "Making Love Last" series:
This weekend: Kelly Geisel is a bitter single princess who never found her prince!
Next weekend: Julie Burget will be doing a reprise of her 2 minute monolog, this time about marriage!
August 29-30th: DC and Brooke Curry will be performing a dance/drama/story piece to the song "Bleeding Love" as seen on the show "So You Think You Can Dance"
Sept. 5th-6th: Ted Bryant, Jen Ransbottom, Sierra Arredondo, and Luke Richey will be performing a family scene that focuses on a husband and wife who are struggling with the space between them.
I'm excited to see all of you on August 28th at our Fall Kickoff Party from 6-10pm at our house, 10177 Vistula Rd, Osceola, IN 46561 Please bring your families and a dish to share. At our picnic, we'll also be talking about some fun opportunities coming up for the Sept., Oct., November and December 1st wednesdays! Hope to see you all there!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Victory Party!

What an awesome 1st wednesday service we had tonight! Join me in applauding Greg's performance of the insirational monolog that brought us all to our feet and our spirits to the unseen victory to come. I don't know about you, but I had a blast celebrating the "Victory Party" with our church family. What a privilege! Awesome job, Greg!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Picnics Coming Soon!

Hi Guys,
Save the date for our drama team Kickoff Picnic on Friday August 28th beginnning at 6pm. (More details coming soon.) The all Creative Arts picnic is coming up, and as I mentioned before I unfortunately will be out of town. But that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the fun! Below is a note from Butch about the details. Have fun, and I’ll see you on the 28th!
“Howdy Arts Team!
Just a reminder that our Arts Team Picnic is coming up soon! We need you to RSVP if you have not already done so to with your name and the number of folks you’ll be bringing.
• Bring your family.
• Bring a dish to share if you can – desserts, sides, finger foods (we’ll supply the main stuff.)
• Bring lawn chairs and blankets.
• Friday August 7th, 6:30PM – 9PM
Kim and Brad Stewarts House
Kim and Brad Stewarts House
10061 Harrison Road
Osceola, IN 46561
• We are going to have fun!
See You There!
Butch WhitmirePastor of Creative Arts”
See you all on the 28th! Here are some pics from last year:
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Note from Brian
To all bug drama cast members and directors,
Thanks so much for a great run! Here’s a note from Brian Davis and the All-stars department:
I just wanted say thank you for all the energy and work you and your team have put into the Penguin Room drama’s this summer. The costuming, makeup, acting…everything has been absolutely top notch and far exceeded everyone’s expectations! I dare say willow creek could take some lessons from you guys on this one. You and your team have made the children’s ministry compelling and exciting through using your gifts in dramatic arts. There are very few churches that I know of that can accomplish the quality and beauty of art that your team has demonstrated this summer. Your service and ministry to children is very much appreciated here!
Hope to see you all at the Drama team kickoff on August 28th!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bugs go out with a Buzzzz!
Our last of the summer bug dramas was awesome! "The Unteachables" was all about having a humble and teachable spirit--much like our amazing sermon on pride upstairs!It was an amazing parent/child pairing of Diane and Billie Bennett and Luke with his dad, Larry Richey, directing. Great job, team! A great ending to our fabulous summer of bugs! Thanks to all who took part!
For more snapshots visit:
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Golfisode Hilarity
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