Monday, February 23, 2009

Monthly Meeting This Thursday Night!

Hello All,

Hope to see you at our monthly meeting this week on Thursday the 26th in the Heir Force room. Kids meet 6-7 and adults meet 7-8:30pm. Exciting things are on the horizon. Hope you can all make it!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Defining Cool!

While DC was schooling us all on cool upstairs this weekend. The Heir Force room was getting a truly "Cool" performance by Phil, Hannah, Sammy and Levi. The tie in to the Go Fish series was amazing. Both kids and parents are being schooled on how cool it is to love others enough to share Christ with them. Great job, team!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Future Drama Queens?

Portia Katherine Novak (pics to come) born on Feb. 17th 4:43pm 6lbs. 13 oz. 19.75 inches
Avery Elizabeth Born Feb. 17th 2:02am 8 lbs. 13 oz.. 22.5 inches length

What are the chances two former drama team members we all know and love would be giving birth in the same hospital on the same day and both girls? Just a little fun wink from God, I think. Both mamas and babies are doing well. Join me in prayer for continued health and God's leading as our amazing friends and sisters in Christ raise the next generation of amazing girls who live for God. Congratulations, Sarah and Heather!

Friday, February 13, 2009

More than Just Actors

Join me in applauding Janet, Levi, and Kelly on their excellent moving performances in the "More Than"media this past weekend produced by Elle White. What a great memorable piece that helped to drive home the amazing message by Rob. Great job, everyone!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't Miss First Wed. This Month!

You won't want to miss tomorrow night's service. Especially an awesome poetic monolog to be delivered by one of our newest members Greg Teghtmeyer. This piece will not only be different and memorable but I believe it will truly propel all of us to move forward with excellence and authenticity. Hope you all can make it!