What a great picture of who Butch truly is. A leader who knows the way, challenges us all to take the next step, and yet is not afraid to grab our hand in those times in the sand where our balance gets shaky. If you didn't already receive this letter (below) from Butch, just wanted to post it here for you. I'm grieving along with you at the loss of a great leader in a great position. I have had countless bosses in the past, many of whom showed me exactly what NOT to do as a leader. With Butch, I actually got a clear picture of a Godly leader who loves and leads well for the first time, first hand. I also discovered the true meaning of that tired old cliche of a "brother in Christ". I'd always struggle with that because my own older brother was like having a live-in bully in my house. But once again, Butch came along and showed me an incredibly clear picture of what God meant for an older brother to be and how much of a blessing that role can be. He has challenged me to be a better follower of Jesus, a more devoted wife and mother, and a focused artist and leader in my ministry, and he has done it with a
phenomenal level of wisdom, care, and as you all know Butch, lots of laughter. But one of the countless lessons I've learned from Butch is about faith in the possibilities of change and challenge. Not an empty, shallow optimism, but true faith that God has something better in mind. He looks at the glass half full with the eyes of a faithful follower of Christ and yet a realist and strategist who can dream and execute a vision that pushes us all to strive for a cup that's brimming over. What a gift he is to our church, our teams, and us personally. The great news is he is still planning on participating on the drama team as a volunteer and being fully committed to our church, but as he mentioned has decided to seek getting his paycheck somewhere else. What an incredible example of listening for God's prompting and following through on what He's asking of us. I can't wait to see his impact in the marketplace. What a high impact player some blessed company is about to receive!
A Letter from Butch:
"Dear Arts Team Friends –
I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a personal adventure I’ll be taking in the near future. A little background: Five years ago, I felt God’s call to move into paid ministry at
GCC. So, I left my career to come to
GCC. Next to marrying Chris, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have not for a moment doubted my calling, nor regretted my decision to follow that call. However, over the past several months, I have had this sense of completion - a sense that I have helped take our teams to the place God has asked of me, but that there are higher, better places God has in store for our team. I have also sensed that God wants someone else to help lead us there.
After several weeks of processing this with Tim Stevens and Mark
Beeson, I have decided to step down from my paid ministry position at
GCC, return to the marketplace, remain at
GCC as a volunteer minister and a future member of the Administrative Council (Church Board of Directors.) I love our church, it’s mission, and it’s values. I trust and respect the leadership of our Senior Management Team. I cannot think of a better place in which to serve and worship.
My experience as pastor of creative arts has been amazing and has helped move me closer to God. I am grateful for having been given this opportunity. I am grateful for having been able to serve with each of you - it’s meant more to me than you could ever know. Over the next few weeks, Tim and the
SMT will be working on my transition plan. My goal is to leave and lead well through this change and help position our team and our church for an amazing future.
It’s been a true pleasure to have been your pastor these few years. Thank you for continually sacrificing and serving Jesus with your gifts in our church. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Your Friend in Christ,
WhitmirePastor of Creative Arts
Granger Community Church
gccwired.comButch's Blog "