2 a: to gloss over or cover up (as vices or crimes)
" . . . when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash, therefore tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall. Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, 'Where is the whitewash you covered it with?'" Ezekial 13:10b-12
our attempt to hide flaws
a weak effort at the pristine
a feeble reach toward beauty
only to discover a quick fix
a slow fade
and blemishes highlighted
the painters bandaid
the politicians friend
and the enemy
of an artist.
I know this new structure has a lot of expectation, new standards, and more tasks added to our already busy lives, but watching the life of Christ is so inspiring. How he reached people by thoughtful preparation, true relation, and loving calculation. He told the fishermen he would make them fishers of men. He told the woman at the well about his living water. He knew his audience. He constructed elaborate parables to stretch us toward him, and we lean in for more. In short, Jesus was the opposite if whitewash. He never attempted to gloss over our flaws but rather addressed them with love and forgiveness. I don't know about you, but I absolutely love being on a team of artists who refuse to whitewash the greatest story ever told! Ever seen a broadway show? An epic film? The lengths they go to are incredible and all simply for the "cause" of entertainment alone. This new structure may be extra work, but our cause is definitely worth it. Thanks for hanging in there. See you Monday at 7pm in the Heir Force room!
1 comment:
I totally agree! I know my life is busy and I we're all in the same boat. Families, jobs, church ministries, finding time for recreation, etc. It seems never ending but I also think all of us know that our drama ministry affects so many people in positive ways. In order for us to keep improving and maintaining the impact we have we need to practice. It's just like if you play golf or bowl or anything else. You have to practice in order to not only get better but also maintain your performance.
I know I'm excited about the new structure. I can hardly wait until we've been at it for a year or so and then look back! It's going to be awesome to see what God does with our team!
See you on Monday!!!
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