If you were there for our first meeting, you remember Deanna's great monologue about a sign from God. Well, it's time for her to follow the sign. Join me in wishing her a fond farewell. We'll miss you Deanna, but we're inspired by your pursuit of God's next adventure for your life.
Here's a message from Deanna.
Friends, Family and Loved Ones:
Yes it's true. I will be moving to the Gurnee, IL area within the next couple weeks. I'm working with a realtor up there who has uncovered some really nice rental homes and/or townhouses and I should have a permanent address within the next week. I've accepted a position in Spring Grove, IL with a company called Scot Forge. (www.scotforge.com) and will be starting October 16th. The company is 100% employee owned, very stable, and profitable with a very unique culture. Definitely a good place to "land".
As you can imagine, this is a bittersweet time for me and my family. I've lived here my entire life but am looking forward to the change. Remember, the only things you regret are those you never pursued.
I picked the Gurnee area because of the great schools system but it will make it a slight commute to work, but worth it. Nick is looking forward to the adventure, but Amanda has decided to live with her dad, at least for now. She is a teenager, so one never really knows what they're thinking.
Once I get settled, I'll be sure to send you my new contact information.
I wish you all the best Deanna...you will be missed greatly!! (Just in case you didn't know..Gurnee has a GREAT shopping center!!!)
Good luck and God Bless Deanna! I've moved long distances before as well and I know very well the mixed emotions that come with it(all you have to do is read my previous post about conflicting emotions). Stay in touch and we'll look forward to hearing about your new job and life.
Good-bye and God Bless. We'll miss you. I know what it is like to move away from everything you have ever known your entire life. It's hard, but exciting at the same time, meeting new people, seeing new places and learning new things. It's what keeps life interesting.
So long for now! The best of luck with your new job-and new adventures! Come and see us from time to time! We'll miss you!
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