Our very own Janell Martin has written a great article on parenting.
(And we know it's a credible source since she has two amazing kids who do a lot for Gcc in facilities (Elizabeth) and the media department-Albert! Janell helps with directing children's drama and has helped with producing in the past. This writing job is a new venture for Janell. Let's support her! Here's a note from Janell:
Hello family and friends!
I've just begun a new job, writing for an online magazine. I get paid by how many people view, rate, share, print, (etc.) my articles. Would you help me out by taking a look at them? A link to my most recent article is below. Once you go there, you'll see my picture at the side. Clicking the link beside my picture that says "See my other articles" give you a list view of others I've written. I've only written three so far, but more are coming.
I appreciate your help. Once you read an article, if you know anyone who might be interested, you can use the Email button to send it to them.
Also, if you have facebook or other sites shown on the Save/Share, posting it there would be much appreciated as well. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about then you probably don't have that, so don't worry about it!)
Thanks again,
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