Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dance Fever in the Heir Force Room

The 2nd through 5th graders learned about worship through the story of David dancing before the Lord along with a great drama starring Jacob Hiscock, Sam Petersen, and Ryan Lutz directed by Phil. Great job, team!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Too Light Too Heavy

"Too Light, Too Heavy" Parenting from BXFilms on Vimeo.

Brilliant performances by Butch, Whitney, Julie and Ryan in the hilarious "Too light vs. Too Heavy" Parenting media. Way to go, team!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello, Virginia!

Yet another great comedic performance by Julie! Well done!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Snow White Stars!

The future of GCC drama is looking bright! Last night three of our talented drama kids, Jacob Hiscock and Whitney and Maddie Wegner, graced the Horizon Elementary stage with their presence. Awesome job, kiddos!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

An Important Gathering You Won't Want to Miss!

Hey Talented Actors, Director, and Writers!

I wanted to let all of you know of a very special event coming. It’s so special that Jason Miller, our new pastor of Arts and Teaching, has made it available on two separate evenings to make it easy for our teams to commit to. On the evenings of...

Tuesday, March 16th
and Thursday, March 25th 2010 at 7:00,

the entire arts community will gather for a church wide arts vision casting event. You may notice that the second time is our usual drama team meeting time and the preferred night for the majority of the team. However, due to work and family schedules, several of you can't make it on Thursday nights, so we'd love to see you at the March 16th night.

We want to keep everyone in the loop on some very significant details involving our plans for 2010 and beyond. Jason would like the opportunity to meet our arts volunteers and speak into all of you who serve Christ through the arts ministries of Granger Community Church. You only need to pick one evening but we’re stressing that this gathering really matters to the entire arts community. The last time we asked for your participation in an event like this was several years ago. We’ll meet for some time for big picture stuff and then have the opportunity to break up into smaller teams…like the drama team! Yay! I want to do everything I can to encourage your participation in this event. We’ll be out by 8:30 both evenings. This time together is so significant that we’re asking you to RSVP for one of the evenings. If you could email your reply back to me, I’d count it as a privilege to pass your acceptance along. If you are fortunate enough to receive multiple invites-just RSVP to one and if a last second change in your plans happen…just come to the other evening. In other-words, just come!

Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blink Promo #2: The Car

Another awesome promo by Jeff P., starring Mark and Easton Meyer, our very own lighting guru Doc Borlik, and my crazy kid. Great job, everyone!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blink Promo #1: The Wedding Dress

Special thanks to Jeff Petersen who produced our first promo for the blink series starring Mark Meyer, Lori and Jacob Hiscock, Lauren Baker, and Vanessa Sanders. My husband Cody also come along to help out. Great job, team! So excited about the parenting series coming up!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Financial Peace or Lack Thereof...

Join me in applauding Sherry and Tom on a great performance this weekend and great direction by Dalene! Great job, team!