Monday, January 5, 2009

A Great Way to Begin '09!

A note from Dave and Deb to the drama team and Creative Arts friends,

"Hi! As you know, the food drop is this weekend. My business partner, Deb DeFreeuw and I are site leaders for an apartment complex in Niles, MI, and we’d love for you to help us distribute food and personal care items to 120 families there…

If you are already planning on participating, and are involved with a small group or assigned to a truck—that’s great! If you don’t have an assignment, then join us! You and your family are invited. It’s a wonderful experience for everyone, and we’ll be done by noon-ish.

If you haven’t been involved with a food drop before—-it’s a great experience. The plan is for everyone to arrive at church for a brief meeting at 9:00—then we’re off to unload the semis——filled with over 6,000 boxes of food and personal care items! All of the boxes are loaded in 14 smaller trucks, and then we’re on our way to Niles . Deb and I will have directions to the apartment complex, instructions on where to park, where to meet us, etc.

Once there, you will break up into teams and distribute the boxes to all the apartments.
You will be helping hundreds of people…People who have trouble making the rent, clothing their children, making ends meet.

Your compassion, your conviction, your friendly face, your prayers—will make all the difference in the world.

We would love for you to join us.

So here’s the deal. Saturday morning will be crazy! Several hundred people (two thousand last year…) will be at the church. We suggest you arrive a little early for 9:00am meeting inside. Then, after the meeting, come outside to truck Number 6. That’s what you need to remember. When you get to truck 6, then we will pass out the directions, instructions, etc. Remember, some people there are only there to off-load the semis. If you want to help us with the distribution at the apartments, then you will need our direction/instruction packet. When we’re done for the morning, we can grab a hot chocolate somewhere up in Niles .

This will be fun, exciting, and humbling…we’d love to see you.

Remember—-Truck #6!"
David Morgan
Deb DeFreeuw

I hope you all can make it! I am so excited about what God has in store for us this year as a team, and can't think of a better way to get this year started than helping others alongside all of you!

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