Sunday, April 19, 2009

Exciting Next Steps for the Drama Team!

You will NOT want to miss this month’s meeting this Thursday night in the Heir Force Room (6-7pm for kids, 7-8:30pm for adults!) We have some exciting changes coming up that will directly affect you and your ministry, so I hope all of you can make it! As we prepare for our next steps together as a team, I’m asking for your greatly valued input. Please a take a few minutes to pray for the team and answer the questions below before the meeting on Thursday. Please send your answers in a direct e-mail to me at rather than here or on basecamp. Please pray for the team as we head into Thursday and you answer these questions. Be honest with your feedback. Casting decisions will not be based on your answers! : ) And the good news is the Drama Leadership Team has already come up with some great strategies to help us with #4-5! Come to the meeting to find out more! See you all there!

1.)If you were the drama team leader, what would be the first thing you would be sure to change, improve, or seek to maintain?
2.) What are we doing well as a team?
3.)What areas do we need to improve, and what could we do to change these?
4.)What is/should be the purpose of the monthly meetings? What should we accomplish in these meetings?
5.)With the growing number of people and shrinking number of regular serving opportunities, what are some tangible activities or programs that could help us feel utilized, challenged, and stretched to move our art forward toward the level of excellence that brings God glory and points others toward Christ?

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