Friday, August 10, 2007

Hungry for Feedback

Many of you have expressed an interest in honest feedback throughout the process. Solomon, one of the wisest men of all time, reiterated this:

"He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise." Proverbs 15:31

"Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted." Proverbs 27:5-6

I'm going to continue to keep it real this week. Throughout this new process, there will be lots of honest feedback. We'll be uncomfortable, a little frustrated perhaps, but always aware of the push towards excellence and the joy we caught a glimpse of as we saw people walk through the door this past weekend. I'm excited to see you eager for this honesty-- a far cry from my high school teaching days!

Let me just say how honored I am to be able to lead in the process. I'm scared, thrilled, and humbled at the thought a leading such a talented group of adults who are much wiser than I will ever be!

I'm soaking in the Leadership Summit this week as I prepare for this new phase of my life. Insane teenagers are one thing, but you are an intimidating crowd! But I'm trusting in the words of Carly Fiorina, a great female leader from the business world, who said "Many fears are stupid, but they're real. And everytime you overcome a fear, you get stronger. None of us can learn unless we're outside our comfort zones." ("Tough Choices" Interview 8/9/07) And if I could pick a group of people to venture out of my comfort zone with, it would be you guys!

There are many sides to being honest about where we are and where we are heading, and I saw them exemplified in three key speakers at the summit this week. Each one poses an interesting question for us to consider as a team. Let's problem-solve together:

1.) Marcus Buckingham reminds us to focus on our strengths because those are our biggest areas of potential growth. ("Now Discover Your Strengths"-great book)

Question #1: What are some of our areas of strength as a team and our effectivness in storytelling?

2.) Bill Hybels challenged us as leaders to create our vision as a team by addressing the issues honestly and openly, so we can own the vision together and continue to refine it in the years to come.("Vision to Die For" 8/9/07)

Question #2: What areas would you like to see improve in the next few years?

3.) Colin Powell said that a truly great leader always craves the knowledge of his team and is constantly open to challenge and discussion of ideas.

Question #3: What ideas do you have about the new structure? What's on your minds? Any issues you want to open up for discussion?

I'm waiting, listening, and eager. Feed me the feedback . . . .


Sherry Ingle said...

One of our greatest strengths is that we are real..what you see is what you get!! No fakes here!! I think we can be very vulnerable and open and that shows on stage. But...with that vulnerability comes some sensitivity and I'm not afraid to say I'm excited yet anxious about the "push towards excellence"!
I would like to see us move beyond a team that ministers to a team that ministers within. I've been reading "The Heart of the Artist by Rory Nolan and the first few chapters stresses "not hiding behind our talents and neglecting who we are on the inside". I think it is so important for us to be there for one another as brothers/sisters in Christ and not just think of each other as "fellow actors".
Question #3---I'm curious if there are other "teams" following this new structure ie: writing, tech, production etc.

Kristin Baker said...

Thanks for the great feedback, Sherry. For now, it's just us (though the writing team will be undergoing some similar changes). However, Butch has some great plans in place for the other aspects of Creative Arts. Awesome things are happening! ( By the way, great head start on some of the required reading!)

Anonymous said...

Strengths: 1. Our commitment to Christ as a team of artists.
2. Talent - we have some amazingly gifted people on our team.

Area of need: 1. I would like to see us all become closer as a group. I know we can't do that "on demand". It takes time to develop friendships and relationships. However, any degree of closeness we can achieve will help our on stage/on camera chemistry with each other. I think we're off to a good start with the things we've put in place just recently.
2. To stretch ourselves as actors/artists. To keep continuously improving individually and as a team.

New Structure: 1. I'm excited about the new structure. It's very new so I don't have any comments other than "Great Start". That might be a good question to pose, in say...6-9 months.

Lori said...

I thought I had posted a blog, but I can't find it, so I will try again. I've not done this before, so bear with me. I just wanted to let Shelly, Deanna, Dave, Paul and Lisa know that they were superb these last two weekends. The talent that we have on our team is awesome.
Lori G.

Anonymous said...

I am extremly happy and thankful that the drama team has new found structure and direction. Leadership by someone who has a profound love and understanding of drama goes beyond refreshing. Kristin's leadership will return a corporate drive for excellence in the team.

I look forward to a return of closeness (I wanted to say intimacy but I was afraid) in the team that has been painfully absent for several years. The monologues will be a great first step in learning relavent things about each other. Learning these things helps each of us to know each other better and enhances our interactions on stage making them more realistic.

When the drama team was formed 18+ years ago we met more as a small group that did dramas rather than as a "drama team". Because we have grown so much it is unrealistic to assume that closeness can ever be recaptured. What is reasonable to assume is that there can be an elevated level of intimacy (ok I said it) that can enhance our preformances/service that other groups cannot use to their advantage.

I look forward to the drama team serving Christ on a whole new level. Thank you, Kristin for taking on the task that God has obviously prepared you for here at GCC. It's going to be great!

Anonymous said...

Strengths - We have a great pool of very "down to earth" people. Among the arts this is rare, which will serve us well as we begin rebuilding relationships and make new ones. I think all of us are also open to this process & our push toward excellence is one of nurturing greatness in all aspects of who we are.

I would like to see us improve in overall preparation. Much of this will come as we build technique but my heart is that we would each become fully committed to a bigger vision of our team...that you as lead actors would set the bar of excellence in prayer commitment, punctuality, goal setting, vision casting, memorization. In essence that we would all do everything in our power to be fully ready.

You have no idea how much I look forward to growing with you guys! The world watches what you do. Your individual leadership on this team really is critical to us reaching our new vision and I think you all are completely up for it.

For more read my first post at Keepin' it Real.