Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Did you miss the meeting?

We had a short and sweet meeting on Monday night where we brainstormed for the next series and shared our "observations" of other potential characters from our lives.

I shared what I observed from watching my abnormally tall sister-in-law Sarah. She is much more relaxed in her walk, how she sits, and how she delivers mannerisms, a good prompting for a more laid back character. Sherry observed a manipulative character and told an interesting story of a patient who faked a limp to get some pills and a handicap sticker, but failed to limp on her way out! Janet observed her new boss and his "banty rooster" like movements as he sought to assert his authority with exaggerated movements and clearing his throat for emphasis. Dalene observed others trying to listen and communicate in another language and culture, and it reminded her of a trip to Europe where she hated feeling stupid that she couldn't understand the thick cockney accents in her own native tongue, good material for a character uncomfortable in a new setting (a first-time visitor?). Phil did an amazingly convincing and realistic impersonation of a man with a strong stutter and noted how tension runs throughout his whole body when struggling to communicate. Steph observed a character from one of her favorite TV shows "Numbers" who is always fiddling with something and never stops moving. She explained how it wasn't a nervous movement, but was a natural part of the character. Great material for an unexpected but believable character. Lisa actually did a great impersonation of Mark Beeson's enthusiasm when he speaks with vigor and vitality from the platform. John observed how his co-workers avoid controversy even when the boss is wrong. Great material for a week where we address courage and integrity in the workplace. Dave told us about a memorable experience from when he was teaching where he took his students to hang out with some blind people for research for a play they were doing. He and his students observed the heightened senses and mannerisms. Everyone had great ideas as well for the next series.

We don't have any assignments for April due to Spring Break traveling. PLEASE mark the next meeting in your calendars for Monday April 28th at 7pm. See you all then!

1 comment:

Mark Meyer said...

Sorry I missed you guys last week- looking forward to our next run, upcoming videos I hear, and more! Let's keep pushing! Have a great month and see you in a few weeks-