Sunday, February 17, 2008

Like Totally Awesome Drama

We redefined "triple threat" this weekend as we had three dramas going on at once!

On the platform: Anita, Diana, Kyle and Ted
Heir Force/Jungle Room: Levi, Brad, Carolyn, Paul, and David, directed by Phil
Under the Sea/Garden Patch: Mary Davis

A Great first-timing service for Anita, Diana, and Mary!

See Mark Beeson's post here!

Highlights: Anita trying not to let her blue mascara run, Diana's "Psych!" look, Ted's speech about his career choices, Kyle and his "cellular phone device", Levi's hilarious actions as geeky gordo, Brad's side-splitting Italian accent as "Spaghetti Tortellini", Carolyn's motherly pursed lips and tender illustration of grace, Paul's film noir detective Sam Shovel that is always a crowd favorite, David's hysterical looks as he contemplated and then finally answered "no" to Sam, Phil's icing on the cake blocking tricks to keep the kids engaged and entertained, and Mary's sweet, motherly voice that has the magical power of quieting a room full of three year olds just long enough for them to lean in and learn about Jesus in a way they can understand.

I am so proud of our team! The talent, commitment and servant hearts are
"like totally awesome"!


Diana Dawn said...

I had so much fun this weekend... it was an honor to work with the team. I can't wait for my next opportunity to use this talent for the Kingdom!

Anonymous said...

I was cracking up at you guys - ahh...the 80s! Great job, you were all hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That was soooo funny you guys! Fantastic way to play off each other & keep the pace fast & over the top! Kristen, fantastic leadership! It was obvious you pulled the best out of this cast in such a short time.

Anita, I totally for sure loved your extreme kept the energy at a high level.

Diana, I loved the connection with Kyle...cute! And awesome supporting actress!

Ted, job longevity line...sweet! I also loved the "oooo Cherry 7 Up..." I don't know if that was intentional but it WAS good.

Kyle, way to put some fun in the sidekick character. You warm up every part you play...

Anonymous said...

I only saw the drama in the ausitorium, but "" it was so funny. The writing was witty and I think I may have really said almost every word in that drama 20 years ago.

Even though I didn't see the other dramas, I LOVE that we were in three diffrent places at the same time, all reaching people through creative arts. AWESOME!
-Shelley Arredondo

Mark Meyer said...

Great job you guys! Diana/Anita- congrats on your first performance up there... not sure if you saw this... but someone else had something to say about it as well! Check is out: